Viajeros TV highlights the entertainment scene in San Antonio


On Viajeros TV, you can find travel programs for your next trip with gourmet sections, interviews, … on Sky channel 153 every Sunday at 7:30 pm, you can discover more destinations… Viajeros TV is a long-running travel show, with over 13 years in the market.  The show features a wide variety of sections that cover from the best places to stay and eat to the most exciting activities in each destination. Alejandra Echegoyen is a TV host and tourism specialist with more than 20 years of experience.

In this edition, the fun entertainment scene in the city of San Antonio, as well as its tourist attractions, is highlighted.

Date: May 27, 2024

Concept: entertainment

Reach: 48,500

Media Value: $140,500 USD

Coverage: YouTube Channel and SKY