Roger González visits San Antonio

Date: March 2018

The Influencer and television presenter of TV Azteca, Roger González, was invited to the city of San Antonio to generate content on various attractions and news for Millennials.

In addition to coverage on his social networks, we negotiated coverage on his television program “Roger González Show” on YouTube and on open television on TV Azteca with great results. The sponsorship of Aeroméxico was negotiated, adding it as well as our strategic ally.


Instagram: 15 posts / Reach: 7.3 M / Media Value: $ 501,000 USD

Twitter: 25 posts / Reach: 13.1 M / Media Value: $ 3,623.00 USD

Facebook: 15 posts / Reach: 12.4 M / Media Value: $ 9,275.00 USD

Totals: Balance: 33 M / Average Value: $ 514,019.00 USD
