Aruba, campaign on digital media and social networks
Date: Year 2016
With great success, the campaign was launched in digital media and social networks whose objective was to competitively position Aruba in the Mexican market. Programmatic audience focused on travel, ecotourism, adventure, families and newlyweds to reach the most precise objective, through Facebook and websites focused on news and entertainment through platforms such as impaktu and smartclip. The strategy was complemented with cooperative advertising campaigns through hard sale actions with the main OTAs in Mexico (Despegar.com, Best day & Price Travel).
The campaign showed an impact of 7,870,696, a participation rate of 15% and a delivery of + 7%.
Derived from this campaign, Aruba reported an increase of 151.1% in the number of Mexican visitors to the island during the first half of August 2017 vs. August 2016.